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How To Reroot Doll Hair Guide

How To Reroot Doll Hair Guide

Understanding the art of rerooting doll hair can transform a doll from worn-out to vibrant. Even if you're a collector or simply restoring a childhood favorite, mastering this skill is rewarding. Mastering rerooting involves learning specific techniques and using the right tools to achieve professional results. The process not only enhances the doll’s appearance but also adds a personal touch, making the restoration uniquely rewarding.

This comprehensive guide from Doll Planet Hair provides step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to ensure successful doll hair rerooting. Even if you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this guide will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Choosing the Right Doll Hair Rerooting Tools

Selecting the Best Tools for Rerooting Doll Hair

Selecting the best tools for rerooting doll hair is essential for a successful project. Rerooting needles (aka rooting needles) are critical for inserting hair (aka pushing hair plugs) into the doll's scalp, with different sizes suited for various tasks. High-quality hair, whether synthetic nylon, saran or other types of fiber like mohair or yarn, ensures a natural or fantasy look. Best doll hair durability will be found with Nylon or Saran. Specialized rerooting tools, like needle holders, (aka rerooting tool, rooting tool) help manage and manipulate the needles more effectively. Each tool plays a unique role in the rerooting process, contributing to precision and efficiency. Starting with the right equipment sets the foundation for achieving professional and satisfying results. Pliers, (aka forceps) are the best tool for removing factory rooted doll hair from inside the neck of the doll head.

Understanding Rooting Needles

Rooting needles are essential tools for rerooting doll hair, and they come in various sizes and gauges. The size and gauge of a needle determine how easily and accurately hair can be inserted into the doll's scalp. Thinner needles are ideal for delicate work and smaller dolls, ensuring minimal damage to the scalp. In contrast, thicker needles are better suited for larger dolls and/or denser hair. Understanding these differences allows for more precise and efficient rerooting, helping to achieve a natural and uniform hair look. Selecting the right needle type is crucial for a successful doll hair rerooting project.

Needles Smallest to largest

#7 For small heads and fine detail

#5 For most fashion dolls and My Little Pony

#3 For Large heads and 1.5mm micro braids

#1 For 2mm-3mm micro braids and large fiber like yarn

Preparing Doll and Workspace

Preparing the Doll

Before beginning the rerooting process, ensure the doll is clean and free from any previous hair remnants. Pliers, (aka forceps) are the best tool for removing factory rooted doll hair from inside the neck of the doll head. Secure movable parts and protect the doll's face with a cloth, plastic wrap or paper to prevent damage.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Create a comfortable workspace with adequate lighting. Organize tools within reach to streamline the rerooting process and minimize errors.

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Reroot Doll Hair

Inserting Doll Hair

Lay out hair plugs in front of you. Pick up one hair plug and wrap once around your index finger. Using your rerooting tool with a needle inserted, scoop the plug from your finger, then push the hair plug through the scalp at the correct angle and depth based on the thickness of the doll’s scalp, then pull it back out of the head. The hair plug should stay inside the head while you repeat this process. Once the head is fully rerooted, insert glue through the neck hole. A few drops of Fabri-Tac or Galaxy glue is suggested to secure the hair before styling. Let the glue dry thoroughly (preferably overnight) before styling.

Sectioning and Securing Doll Hair

Divide the doll’s head into small sections using clips or rubber bands. This technique helps manage hair distribution and ensures even coverage during rerooting

Ensuring Hair Stability

After the glue dries, gently tug to ensure it’s firmly rooted. Repeat the gluing process if plugs are pulling out. Push the glue into the hair plugs methodically to maintain consistency in the distribution of glue.

Tips for Successful Doll Hair Rerooting

Choosing the Right Hair

Opt for high-quality synthetic DG brand nylon or Saran for durability and a natural appearance. Consider the doll’s original hair color and texture for authenticity, or create a new style entirely.

Managing Tangles

Keep doll hair smooth and tangle-free throughout the rerooting process to maintain a neat appearance. Regularly comb gently through sections to prevent knots.

Finalizing the Rerooting Process

Trimming and Styling

Once rerooting is complete, trim excess hair to achieve the desired length. Style the doll’s hair using gentle techniques appropriate for the hair type chosen. Pour hot water over the hair to relax unneeded volume. A heating pad can also work, wrapping the head in a heating pad to reduce volume.

Sealing and Securing

Once the head is fully rerooted, insert glue through the neck hole. A few drops of Fabri-Tac or Galaxy glue is suggested to secure the hair before styling. Let the glue dry thoroughly (preferably overnight) before styling.

Rerooting doll hair is a meticulous process that requires patience and attention to detail. By following these steps and using the rerooting tools, you can restore a doll’s hair to its former glory or create entirely new styles. For more detailed guides and supplies, visit Doll Planet.


How to reroot Barbie doll hair?

Rerooting Barbie doll hair follows similar steps. Use size 5 rerooting needles for the main head, and size 7 for any fine detail like lashes or partlines. If you have a head that is splitting, you can apply thin layers of Liquid Fusion glue before rerooting.

Is it hard to reroot doll hair?

Rerooting doll hair is pretty easy, but does require a little patience and practice. With the right tools and techniques, it becomes easier over time.

Is there a way to restore doll hair?

Yes, rerooting is an effective method to restore doll hair, providing a fresh and natural look.

Can I reroot a doll with human hair?

It's not recommended to use human hair for rerooting dolls due to compatibility issues. However, it is possible. You can use the same methods in this rerooting guide. Washing and styling will be different than with synthetic nylon or saran.

What tools are essential for rerooting doll hair?

Essential tools include a rerooting tool, rerooting needles, forceps or pliers, specialty glue, and doll hair.

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